Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog #11 - Free Choice

              For my free choice I'm going to write about 3 different cars that are similar in many ways. The cars I'm going to write aboout are the Infiniti G35, Sabaru Impreza STi, and the Nissan 370z . The thing all these cars have in common is that they are stick shift. I've always been interested in stick shift cars because they are most likely faster than most average automatic cars.

               The Infiniti G35 has a very slim design to its body, its not too bulky which is good cause it will way less. You can buy the car in both automatic or manual but i prefer buying manual on this one simply cause it runs smoother.  This car would be my 2nd favorite.

               The Sabaru Impreza STi is one of Sabaru's newest cars and probably one of their best I think. This car is pretty bulky but it also looks good with the car considering that the car itself isnt that long in length. There are many different versions of this car. It comes in with a spoiler or no spoiler depending on which version you buy. If you buy the STi you will get the spoiler and the car itself is faster than the Impreza without it. This Is probably my number 1 favorite car at the moment.

              The Nissan 370z is very much alike the Infiniti G35 only smaller in size. This car reminds me of the G35 cause its design because as you can see in the photos they do. Not really much to say about this car other than this car can be modified as can all the others. This is my 3rd favorite car.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog - Integrity

         Integrity, it means the quality of being honest and having strong and moral principles; moral uprightness. In other words it means being yourself and not lying about who you really are. I try to build my integrity by doing as much good as I can. Examples would be like, not telling lies and telling the truth. Its really just based on how truthful you are and how you choose to do so.


          Not only is it about being truthful but also about doing whats right. For example, Instead of taking the easy way out and getting your co-worker or colleague in trouble do what is right. Do  not cross the line of integrity for yourself. We all have our own morals and lines we won't go past. Another quick example would be not to cheat your taxes or lie about them.



Monday, April 22, 2013

Blog # 13 - Online Scams

Last year my friend was scammed for his xbox with over $100 dollars on it. Full with items, games, and downloads. I was in the xbox live party chat as it was going on. My friend had been offered to boost up his rank and hack his stats. So my friend asked what he had to do. The scammer said he needed his email address and password to his account for him to be able to access his stats. So without hesitation he gave him his account information and within 10-15 minutes he had been signed out of his account and the scammer had changed the account password to friends account and started removing all the friends that he had on that account. My friend called Microsoft saying they had taken his account  and there was no way of getting it back. From there they banned the account and within a month he had it back. Point is scamming happens a lot on Xbox.

Blog #17 - Spring Break

During my Spring Break I slept in. Monday I went to the movies with a couple friends. On Tuesday I stayed home, cleaned and went to the gym. Wednesday was pretty much the same thing except I had soccer practice from 6-8. Thursday I relaxed pretty much the whole day and in the afternoon I went to go work the snack bar at the Farm Complex. On Friday I went to a friends house and from there we just hung out and went to pick up her sister. At the end of that I had soccer practice again. Saturday and Sunday are game days since I played on Saturday and my brother played on Sunday. After Saturday's game I had to work the snack bar. On sunday we went to Yorbellinda to watch my brothers last soccer game and after that we got home and went to Church. That was pretty much my Spring Break.