Monday, November 26, 2012

Blog Assignment #22

Over my Thanksgiving break I had a blast. Thanksgiving it self was pretty good, we had lots of food and a lot of family members came over. Of course during that time everyone one was going through the adds for Black Friday. Then that same my family took off to all these different stores. I went with them for an hour and then met up with my girlfriend and group of friends. We were shopping probably till 9:00 pm. 

The next day I just relaxed and installed my Tv and played xbox for a couple hours. Then I went out with some friends to watch the movie twilight. It was a pretty  good movie even though Im not really into the saga but yea thats what I did on saturday. 

Sunday I just helped my mom move around all the furniture and install the TV we bought. I didn't really do nothing that day. My break was a really good break overall.

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