Friday, October 19, 2012

1. Do Not Go On Any Online Video Chat Website With People You Do Not Know. They Have Access To Your IP. Most People Find It Funny To Pleasure Themselves On There.

2. Never Accept Random Friend Request On Any Website. FB, Twitter, Myspace ect.

3. If You Feel Somethings Not Right Change The Subject Or Just Walk Away Politely.

4. Log off or quit. You need to remember that at any time you can just stop typing and log off if a conversation gets uncomfortable online. 

5. Know that it's okay to feel embarrassed or confused. It's not always easy to make sense of situations that make you feel uncomfortable online. 

6. Talk to a friend or a trusted adult. Don't be afraid to reach out. Even if you feel you can handle a tricky situation alone, it's always a good idea to turn to friends, parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors for support.


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